Polis Akademisi
Adli Bilimler Enstitüsü


Turkish National Police Academy I. International Congress of Forensic Sciences (1st ICFS) (December 2, 2019, Ankara/TURKEY)
  16 Ekim 2019


The 1st International Forensic Science Congress with the theme “Multidisciplinary Cooperation in Forensic Sciences: Current Approaches”, which will be conducted by the Police Academy, will be held on 2 December 2019 in Ankara. With this international congress, where we will discuss the current developments in forensic sciences, It is aimed that academicians and professionals working in the field of forensic sciences will come together and present their contributions. The language of the congress is Turkish and English and simultaneous translation will be provided.

Those who want to participate in the congress with their papers should submit their titles and abstracts not exceeding 250 words in MS Word format to kaum@pa.edu.tr e-mail address. Abstracts should include a title that reflects the content of the study, a summary text describing the subject, aim and scope of the study, and five keywords. In addition, participants should include their names, institutions and titles in the summary text.

Papers should be about the following topics:



Forensic Chemistry

Forensic Biology

Drugs and Narcotics

Forensic Psychology


Evidence of Criminal Law


"In December 2019, we are waiting for you to the 1st Forensic Sciences Congress of the Institute of Forensic Sciences of the Police Academy."

Important Dates

Abstract Submission: November 01, 2019

Paper Submisson: November 10, 2019



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